If you have a question or questions please use the form below. Depending on the nature of your question it may appear in the Mailbag or be considered on the next podcast. Or, I may respond in private. (If you do not leave an email address I cannot respond to you.)
[contact-form-7 id=”7″ /]
If you wish to leave a voicemail you may use the microphone on your computer or device.
Now you can leave a voice message up to three minutes in length. You can record your message and playback to make sure it’s okay. Then enter your email and send. That’s it! Please make sure your built-in mic volume is adjusted correctly and isn’t too loud. (Chrome requires attentional permissions after you press “allow”, on Chrome a button to “allow” will appear under the browser bar in the right hand corner) Please specify if you do not wish to have your message played back in a podcast.
I may even respond in voicemail, there is that option, in which case you will receive an email notification and be able to playback the audio I send.
To use Speak Pipe on an iPhone or iPad you’ll need to download the Speak Pipe app from the App Store
Or download here for Android